Can You Guess?

Animal Sounds with The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This month's book is Can You Guess? Animal Sounds with The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This cute board book is perfect to take places that you're going!

This month, I'm encouraging you to take your books with you, especially when your child might want to take them. Showing your child that books are for all the time, not just when you're sitting comfy in the rocking chair is a great way to grow your child's love of books.

One place to go with this month's book is to the zoo. Talk about what sounds the animals you see make, and connect them with the animals in the book. "Oh, that's a tiger isn't it? There's a tiger in your book! Do you know what a tiger says? That tiger is orange with stripes. That's so cool!" Don't be afraid to talk to your child, even when they're little. They absorb so much at this age! 

Another place you might go is to the grocery store. Not only does a book provide a bit of distraction for your child while you're in the store, but you can also help them connect pictures of different boxes and packaging to the pictures in their book. I never realized how many animals were on food packaging until I had a little one. We've been making animal sounds in the grocery store for quite some time now. 

Don't be afraid to add tidbits of information in while you're reading to your child too. "Yes, the monkey in this book says "ooo-eee-eee". Did you know there are all kinds of monkeys? There's a baboon or a tamarin or a red-faced spider monkey. There's even one called a blue monkey! How silly is that?!" Talking to your child about so many things just adds to their repertoire of knowledge and their diversity of words. 

I hope you find lots of animals everywhere this month! Happy reading and happy searching! 


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