Goldilocks and the Three Bears

February’s book pick is Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Jan Brett. Children born in 2020 should be receiving this book this month! I'm excited about this pick because I LOVE when I can find a great version of a fairytale. They can sometimes be difficult to find, especially when you're looking for one that captures your child's interest, tells the story correctly, and is age appropriate. Jan Brett’s version meets all of the requirements, and does it well!

One piece that I love about Jan Brett’s books is the illustrations. They aren't your run of the mill illustrations. They're whimsical, but she also uses the whole space of each page. The pages are FULL of the story. When you look at this specific book, the edges of the pages show what's happening in another setting that is important for the story. You can find Goldilocks walking through the forest when the bears are making their porridge and leaving for a walk. And you can find the bears walking in the forest while Goldilocks checks out their house. Her illustrations make the story feel more full and giving. 

A great thing to do with your kiddo while you're reading this book is to ask questions about these illustrations. What do you see happening over here? What is happening in this main illustration? Can you spot the mouse throughout the story? What colors do you see? Stopping within the book to talk about the book is an excellent way to start conversations with your child. You can find out what they're taking from the story, and help point out other pieces that they may have missed to help them get even more out of the story you're reading together. 

Questions after you've finished reading the book are great too! Eleanor asked me why Goldilocks just went into this house and used their stuff. She said it wasn't very nice of Goldilocks to do all of those things, (Haha) so we had a nice chat about being a kind and considerate human. This shows, you never know what your child gets out of a story or what conversations it will bring! These are often my favorite conversations. Remember, your child learns their best from their parents, and sitting in your lap with a good book seems like an excellent way to encourage that! 

Happy reading my friends! I hope you have a good month!


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